Gained weight and need to start keto over again? Ugh… I know it’s frustrating! Let me help you get back to the basics of a ketogenic diet. Healthy fat, high protein foods, and tracking net carbs – Let’s review!
If there is one thing I’ve learned in maintaining a weight loss of 140 pounds for almost a decade, it’s this… You don’t have to be perfect to be successful. Sometimes you have to fail before you can succeed.
Things happen – big problems, little problems, and obstacles in between. There are bound to be challenges that could lead to unwanted gained weight. No one maintains the exact weight every day! Let me reassure you that all is not lost. No matter if you’ve gained 3 or 30 pounds, you can stop that backslide right now. Not tomorrow, not next month, but right this second.
Let me give you 10 tips for making the first week starting (or restarting) a success.
Don’t quit over a few pounds.

Net carb calculator! How to read a nutrition label is easy once you figure out which information to focus on. With DIRTY, LAZY, KETO, there is no complicated math! Subtract any fiber and/or sugar alcohols from the total amount of carbohydrates to get the number of net carbs per serving.
Take a good hard look at what you’re eating these days. Go through your cabinets and refrigerator. Are any extra carbs sneaking into your diet? Fruit doesn’t have to be the enemy. I created a low carb fruit blog and video about low sugar options. I know you’ll find it helpful.
How are you “spending” your daily net carbs? As you know, not all net carbs are alike. Keto treats can really add up! Some foods like dairy and nuts are also packed full of calories and easier to overeat when compared to, let’s say low carb vegetables (no one overeats keto vegetables, right?).
Included in the new DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Get Started Losing Weight (on page 91) is my suggestion for how to “spend your carbs” to maximize weight loss. The DIRTY, LAZY, KETO food pyramid is a life-saver for meal planning and making decisions about which keto foods to eat for weight loss. All of the keto foods listed include accurate carb counts and serving size. What a time-saver!
Get out of your own way. The only person stopping you from turning around a weight gain is you! Stop the self sabotage.
Losing weight doesn’t have to be “all or nothing”. You don’t have to “eat clean” and stay in ketosis 24/7, or sign up for a meal delivery service. It took me a long time to realize this truth! In reality, the only thing that mattered was the little decisions I made, one after another. Surprisingly, they added up to something really big!
I’m here to support you, my friend. Whether I’m cheering for you on social media or inspiring you through one of my books, know that I’m here to help.
Stephanie Laska