Weight Loss Success Story! Sisters Lost 284 Pounds with DIRTY, LAZY, KETO

I’m sure you’ve seen these faces in the Facebook Support group for DIRTY, LAZY, KETO. These two sisters are an awesome inspiration for our entire group!

Carol (59) and Barb (62) are sisters who have lost 284 pounds with the help of DIRTY, LAZY, KETO.

HOT OFF THE PRESS!  April 27, 2020 Issue of Woman’s World Magazine

Show your support of Carol and Barbara by sharing their article on your social media or picking up an issue of Woman’s World at the grocery store. If you repost/share this blog, be sure to tag @womansworldmagazine @dirtylazyketo

It helps to know that everyday people, just like you and me, can lose weight and keep it off. No medication, surgery, supplements or expensive ingredients are required – DIRTY, LAZY, KETO is a lifestyle with everyday, regular ‘ole food from the grocery store. (In fact, I mostly shop at discount superstores!) This may not be a sexy answer, but it’s the truth!

Let me share my success story with you too!

Whatever your story or motivation is for starting (or continuing) DIRTY, LAZY, KETO, know that I am here to support you. No one said this journey would be easy, be it will be worthwhile! Whether I’m cheering for you on social media or inspiring you through one of my books, know that I’m here to help.

I’m here to support you, my friend.


Stephanie Laska