Stop Aging + Feel Younger! Anti Aging Lazy Tips #26, S.2

Fun anti aging strategies that improve self-esteem, confidence, and overall happiness? Um, stop and tell me more! Feel younger with our lazy and cheap “stay young” tricks. No magic potions or creams required, just a willingness to have a little fun.

We all know that the keto diet is an anti inflammatory diet, but is the AI diet solely responsible for how young I feel on the inside? I feel happier and more energetic NOW than any other time of my life. Feeling young doesn’t happen by accident – this is something I actually think about. Let me share my tricks with you!

DIRTY, LAZY, Girl Podcast #26 S.2 is brought to you by the USA Today bestselling author, Stephanie Laska, and her BFF, Tamara Sniezek. After losing 140 pounds and creating DIRTY, LAZY, KETO, Stephanie wants to spread the word that cutting carbs is just one part of the weight loss riddle. The DIRTY, LAZY, Girl Podcast is here to help support the positive lifestyle changes which are necessary to keep weight off for good.

Listen to the audio version of DIRTY, LAZY, Girl Podcast and catch up on past episodes by subscribing on ApplePodcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, and of course, right here on the website,

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Learn more about how Stephanie Laska lost 140 pounds by reading DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Get Started Losing Weight While Breaking the Rules (St. Martin’s, 2020) available wherever books are sold in paperback, ebook, or audio format.

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Stephanie & Tamara,

Co-Hosts of The DIRTY, LAZY, Girl Podcast