Keto cheesecake, keto desserts, and DIRTY, LAZY, KETO? I have such a sweet tooth! I love to bake, too. Unfortunately, even though many of my favorite recipes are low carb, I still overeat them! (Like eating the whole keto dessert in one day – so embarrassing.)
One of my secrets of adulthood (and weight loss success tips) is to enjoy special keto desserts, but in small amounts or on a limited basis. If I’m struggling with portion control, I might make a keto chocolate mug cake, for example. I can’t overdo a one-serving recipe of keto chocolate cake, after all! Here is a quick video on how to make this simple, yet extremely tasty, keto dessert recipe.
My second strategy for enjoying keto desserts is to make them infrequently, saving them for special occasions. I bake a Birthday Keto Cheesecake on major holidays (like Christmas). I look forward to this delicious keto dessert for months! My family enjoys it too. The first year I brought my (dirty keto) Birthday Cheesecake to a family event, I didn’t tell anyone it was a sugar-free keto dessert. I was too embarrassed! Why? Oh, I don’t know… I guess I didn’t want a bunch of “food drama” or discussions about me being on a “diet”. In my experience, that never ends well. Additionally, once people hear something is “keto” or “sugar-free”, I’ve noticed they tend to make snap judgments before tasting it (thinking “diet” food must not taste very good). Boy, are they wrong!
I did a little experiment. Instead of announcing the “dirty keto” or “keto diet” ingredients, I used to make the low carb dessert, I anonymously set down the keto cheesecake and slinked away, not saying a word. Not surprisingly, the funniest thing happened – everyone LOVED IT!
That was about eight years ago. Now, my secret is out. My Birthday Keto Cheesecake is a requested favorite at all my holiday get-togethers. Despite knowing it’s sugar-free, my family loves it all the more. The keto cheesecake just one of the many delicious keto dessert recipes shared in The DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Cookbook: Bend the Rules to Lose the Weight. In fact, there is a whole chapter devoted to low carb desserts and drinks in every DIRTY, LAZY, KETO cookbook!

If you’re taking the night off from cooking or baking, let me make one final recommendation. Have you tried the sugar-free cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory? It’s absolutely delicious! You can order a slice of plain sugar-free cheesecake or with a side of strawberries and real whipped cream, too. Here I am in San Francisco enjoying a piece. All I can say is – Yum!
Let go of the guilt associated with having a sweet tooth. As I’m sure you read in the full guide book, DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Get Started Losing Weight While Breaking the Rules,” I’ve figured out a way to “have my cake and eat it too.” Let go of the shame around wanting something sweet. There is always a DIRTY, LAZY, KETO strategy, or low carb substitute.
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