One of the biggest excuses people have for NOT following through with DIRTY, LAZY, KETO is that they have a big trip coming up. Whether due to a work trip or a vacation, traveling might present new challenges – that’s definitely true! With a little planning, though, you don’t have to let travel stop your progress. As someone who has lost 140 pounds and kept that weight off for seven years, I’ve learned a few tricks for travel that can help you weather any storms on your voyage.

Before we begin, I want to make sure you are committed to DIRTY, LAZY, KETO while on your trip. Lot’s of people use “travel” as their excuse to cheat and indulge. Is that you? If yes, stand by your decision. No judgement! What I do ask you, though, is to be honest with yourself. If you make the conscious choice to eat higher carb foods or stop exercising while on your trip, admit there will be consequences. You’ll probably gain weight!
Otherwise, should you want to continue DIRTY, LAZY, KETO while traveling, here are SIX PROVEN STRATEGIES to help you lose weight (or at least maintain weight loss) during travel.

Pack Snacks: T.S.A. has new requests now while you go through security. In addition to removing your shoes and electronics for scanning, they ask you to pull out any food you have packed in your carry-on. This can prove a little embarrassing for hungry people like me! If I’m taking a trip across the world, or taking just a quick inter-island flight, rest assured my backpack is stocked full of DIRTY, LAZY, KETO foods. #alwaysprepared

2. Hit the Grocery Store: Having a few favorites in your hotel room to munch on can make the difference between weight loss or weight gain. If your room doesn’t offer a small refrigerator, call housekeeping and request one. Your dietary needs are just as important as a diabetic keeping their insulin cold.

3. Increase Activity: Exercise doesn’t have to be so complicated. Cancel the Uber and structure your activities to include as much walking and stair-climbing as possible. You might even challenge members of your family or travel group to see “who can go the longest” without taking an elevator or escalator. You’ll be surprised how quickly steps add up! On a recent cruise, my family made a public commitment to only taking the stairs. Even in my heels, I refused to lose my stair-stepping streak.
4. Drink Up: I’m sure you’ve noticed those refillable water stations popping up everywhere. In an effort to cut down on waste, hotels, schools, airports, and shopping centers offer free, filtered, refillable water stations for public use. I carry an empty plastic water bottle at all times during travel and make it a personal habit to refill my bottle whenever I see one. To make it tastier, I carry a plastic Ziplock of flavored water packets.

5. Dining Out: Plan ahead when eating out. Most restaurant menus are available online. If not, have a few “go to” meals ready on the tip of your tongue that are available where you’re traveling to. For example, grilled fish (sauce on the side) and green vegetables or an omelet with avocado (instead of toast) are easy to order.

6. Special Activities: Instead of feeling sad about “missing out” on the unlimited dessert buffet, plan special activities that honor the “new you.” Some of my fondest travel memories now are things I couldn’t do (or had trouble doing) when I was overweight. Simple things like getting in and out of the pool with ease, hiking, or laying back on a hammock, are comfortable, free activities I can now enjoy. These activities mean so much more to me than food! Sometimes I plan an entire trip around an adventurous activity like horseback riding, riding a roller coaster, or kayaking just celebrate being able to participate.

Traveling and weight loss doesn’t have to be in conflict. The only thing you really need is a commitment to yourself and a belief that your health means more than food. You are worth it.
Bon Voyage!
Stephanie Laska, USA Today Bestselling Author:
DIRTY, LAZY, KETO Get Started Losing Weight While Breaking All the Rules: How I Lost 140 Pounds.
Need more support? Stephanie also leads a small group, premium keto support group on Facebook – for women only.
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