By Stephanie Laska, M.Ed @140lost
Ambassador for Bay to Breakers 2018, Ambassador for The San Francisco Marathon 2017, 2016, PowerBar New York City Marathon Clean Start Winner 2017;
The best time I ever had running was standing around in my underwear getting hit in the head with flying tortillas at the start line of Bay to Breakers. But seriously, though!
Of all the shenanigans I’ve experienced in my lifetime, from New Orleans to Las Vegas, Bay to Breakers ranks at the very top. It combines everything I hold near to my heart:
• Running (or pretending to!)
• Planning and wearing costumes that showcase my alter-ego
• Celebrating the best that San Francisco has to offer
• Enjoying the most outrageous people-watching on Earth
I love this race so much that I return year after year, expanding my guest list initially from just my husband, to the next year bringing my kids (yes, my kids!), followed by inviting all of my friends, coworkers and neighbors – basically whomever that will listen to my little secret that…

Shocking, I know! Running is serious business to most people. I totally get it. This year I will complete five marathons, so I’m no stranger to the pain. But after losing 140 pounds (about half of my body weight) due to running (not surgery), I feel like I’m entitled to speak on the subject.
What I lost in pant sizes, I gained in confidence. Running a mile, let alone for hours on end, forces you to face your demons and challenge your perceived limitations. It takes some big cojones to sign up for a race and follow a clear set of priorities to see it through.
Whether you plan to race all 12K or shuffle along in what seems like the world’s largest parade, you are joining a brave group of souls who dare to push their physical limits or simply rebuke societal norms. One thing I can promise you, though, is this will be the most fun you’ve ever had “running.” Join me and register at!
So what’s your “break out” story? Share the reason you run this race @BayToBreakers #BreakOutStory